Our highly skilled and committed educators are dedicated to guiding you toward your fullest potential with a sincere, caring approach.
Staff Instructors
Kathy McElwee and Sharon Elam
Office Manager Erin McElwee
Our highly skilled and committed educators are dedicated to guiding you toward your fullest potential with a sincere, caring approach.
Staff Instructors
Kathy McElwee and Sharon Elam
Office Manager Erin McElwee
62 Consumer Dr. Chillicothe, OH 45601
62 Consumer Dr.
Chillicothe, OH 45601
The Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board
1929 Gateway Circle
Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: (614) 466-3834, Fax: (614) 644-6880
Website: www.cos.ohio.gov
For filing complaints with Ohio State Cosmetology and Barber Board:
Arts & Sciences
3015 Colvin St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Graduation Rate 82.61%
Licensure Rate 100%
Placement Rate 100%